Broadcast Service

During the Covid-19 pandemic, our service has proved to be a very useful communication service. Recent months have seen most people working from home, as directed by the Government. Conferoo staff continue to working remotely, and are remain available to answer any questions you may have.

Conferoo are also making improvements to our service to help businesses, schools, colleges, tutors and keyworkers improve their ability to communicate to groups of people for free. Built solely from feedback from customers, our team fast tracked and implemented the following features to make our free call conferencing service easier and more useful to teams dealing with the current Covid-19 crisis.

CONFEROO BROADCAST: This will be part of Conferoo PLUS, but a free interim version has been implemented with the following functions:

  • "SPEAKER PIN"Entering this PIN allows users to freely converse with others using the Speaker PIN. It can be used by a single user for training, or making announcements etc. without interruption from listeners.
  • "LISTENER PIN"Entering this PIN allows participants to listen in. They are muted when this setting is applied to the call through the Speaker PIN, and can talk when this setting is deactivated by the Speaker PIN.
    The listener PIN has the benefits of:
    - Not announcing participants when they enter the conference call

If this version of the service will be more beneficial to your current needs, please contact us here requesting Conferoo Broadcast and we will email you back a phone number, a speaker PIN, a listener PIN and a short guide on how to use it.

This version of the service is FREE during the COVID-19 crisis.